Based on an existing R&D tool to record gesture models I needed to create an MVP that targeted developers as well as non technical users. The existing version needed to be rethought and translated into a user friendly version. I conducted the user research informally with in-house developers and validated all stages of the process with them.
The product was built in a lean UX methodology to integrate well into the short agile developers sprints.
Step 1 was to assess the current tool (made by developers for developers) and understand the features and functionalities it was expected to have. Based on this information, I created a user flow that captured the steps the user needs to take in order to successfully record a new model or improve an existing one.

Interface current version of recording tool

User flow
Step 2: Wireframes and low level prototype to test flow.
To create an intuitive interface, I designed a guided recording process so that an inexperienced user can record data without much knowledge. Experienced users can also carry out their tasks without being bothered by the assistance.
To keep the flow uninterrupted I used context sensitive help sections that take the user back to where they were in the recording process.

Screenshot of wireframes in progress

Create prototype to test user flow and get early feedback
Step 3: Supervise Visual Design Process
In parallel to user tests, I supervised the style exploration for the interface, as well as application to all screens.

Visual Design explorations

interface example

Record a gesture - start screen

interface example

FAQ overview page

FAQ detail page

FAQ detail page
Step 4: Supervise Design delivery to Development
A mini style guide and all screens have been delivered to development using Zeplin.

The Gestoos Creator was a big success amongst clients, as it addressed their need to be able to modify gesture models that are adapted to their own environment conditions.
When we demoed the application with clients they loved the intuitive and user friendly interface and were astonished about the results they were able to achieve without any training.